Lanna Albright
Hays checks a record breaking time during a meet in January 2023.
Imagine yourself up on the starting block counting down the seconds before you dive into the water in an event that you have never done before and end up breaking the school record. That’s what Senior Brooklyn Hays did on Dec. 28 vs Belton & Ray-Pec. She broke the record with a time of 5.35.92.
“When I broke the record, I was very shocked since I had never swam it before,” Hays said. “I knew it would be close, but I didn’t expect to break the record by 5 seconds. Having all my teammates and parents cheering me on felt pretty good.”
Swimming is a really difficult and competitive sport, that takes a lot out of you both mentally and physically. So to break a school record is challenging let alone on your first attempt at a new event feat, it takes a lot of determination.
”Preparing for the race was mostly mental. I knew I had the physical strength to break the record, but because I am a sprinter and don’t ever swim distance events, I had to mentally prepare for it,” Hays said. “That was my first time swimming the 500, so I didn’t know what to expect going into it, since I hadn’t done it before”
Dedication to the sport also plays a big part in beating records and Hays acknowledges that it takes a lot of hard work.
“I have been swimming club for 7 years and train for 3 hours a day on weekdays,” Hays said. “Many of my teammates believe it comes naturally to me, but it involves lots of training that nobody realizes.”
Hays’ teammates often ask her for advice and she just advises them to have fun.
“Having fun and being positive always leads to success. Breaking records is tough but having the right mindset is always what guides me on the right track.”