Scholar Bowl after winning Conference on Feb 28.
The scholar bowl varsity team won conference on Feb. 28, a big achievement for the first-year head coach Josh Wilson. Winning the conference was not initially unexpected as the scholars were looking good all year and showing dominance. The varsity scholar bowl team comprises team captain senior Daniel Bunge, senior Aiden Cipolla, senior Ian Sterrett, junior Ethan Smith, junior Ailin Garcia, and junior Aiden Garcia.
“Winning conference was not the most unexpected,” Cipolla said.
The team had not won conference for the last ten years, but had been seeing a successful season this year.
“We were definitely planning and working towards it all season long.” Sterrett said, “I figured that we would do pretty well but, I didn’t expect us to sweep it completely.”
To prepare for conference they did kahoots on their own time and held practice on Mondays and Wednesdays. Every member of Scholar Bowl has their specialty subject which they are diverse, including history, science, pop culture, and current events.
“I do a lot of studying on my own and I know the other guys do a lot of studying as well,” Bunge said. “They put quizlets and a bunch of websites up on the canvas and you just study a bunch of different topics like mathematics, history, and a bunch of other subjects,” Garcia said.
They celebrated their win at the conference by having a pizza party together as a team. The members that won scholar bowl were in shock and awe after winning