Daniel Benitez
Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but some prefer their breakfast in a liquid form. From water to energy drinks, the options are endless, but we found a few in the school that stuck out.
Most people are not able to get through their morning without having an energizing drink to help kick start their day, and while coffee is an obvious first pick for many, there are truly no bounds when it comes to what you drink in the morning.
Junior Julia Babcock, drinks Earl Grey tea with one splenda every morning. Babcock said she finds drinking tea every morning very enjoyable, and has a strong attachment to the drink.
“When I don’t have it I feel empty inside,” Babcock said, “like I need it in the morning to be able to function.” Babcock makes the tea at home and brings it to school, and finds that the tea helps her to relax.
While some like to relax when they arrive at school, some students like to have extra pep in their step as they go through their day. Senior Leah Murphy has a coconut Red Bull every morning to help her stay awake through school and have energy to spare for work. “I mean, I’m more tired [when I don’t have it] because it’s got a lot of caffeine in it.”
Some people have interesting ways of getting their water intake while having a flavorful drink. Giada Cucchiara drinks a Peach Tea Monster and water every morning. “Water [is] healthy and you need water, then Monster just because I like it.” Cucchiara does not like carbonation, giving additional reason to why she drinks a Peach Tea Monster.
Sometimes all you need to get through the day is a nice sweet drink to keep you energized and locked in at school. Junior Rayan Abdikarim, has had strawberry milk as a ritual every morning since freshman year.
“I’m depressed if I don’t drink it,” Abdikarim said, “I can’t get any work done. I feel very attached to my strawberry milk. It’s strawberry milk or nothing.”