Junior Layauna Nelson at 2023 Homecoming
With homecoming right around the corner, many students have gone shopping to get dresses, slacks, shoes, jewelry, and more in preparation for the dance.
A survey on Pirate Press’s Instagram aimed towards students planning on going to the dance has shown that the price for boys to get a nice shirt and slack compared to the average price of a girl’s dress seem to be pretty similar, with a price range of $50-100 being the majority price for both out of the 44 respondents.
However, around 75% of boys said that they got their outfit for $50-100, whereas only 50% of those getting a dress got it for that range. Some decided to thrift their dress for around $20, while others decided to go all out and get a dress worth $200 or more.
The more expensive in-person stores do have some perks to them. Mimi’s Prom does “registration” where they don’t sell the same dress in the same color to the same events, and they are the only dress store in Kansas City that does this. Their software won’t even let them check out if the same colored dress is registered for the same event. Senior Kyra Renno got a Sherri Hill dress from Mimi’s for around $350, which is the average price expected to pay at Mimi’s. While to some, this does seem to be a lot for a dress, others would argue that they want to go “all-out” for their senior year. However, the most expensive homecoming dress sold at Mimi’s prom this year was $998, of course, a classic Sherri Hill dress.
Junior Layauna Nelson ordered her dress from Lucy in the Sky, an online store, for $45. Choosing the online route means sacrificing the security of knowing the dress fits in exchange for the good deals and unique look. The most common online stores are Lucy in the Sky, Windsor, and Amazon. While ordering a dress online allows you to adhere to your own personal style, there’s still a chance that someone else may have the same one.
If you’re still looking to find a last-minute Homecoming dress with any budget, try local thrift stores, Dillards, Macy’s, and Amazon.