For Hoco Spirit Week, the teachers and students showed their spirit by dressing up like each other. Many different outfits were highlighted, and the kids put on a good display. They went all out for the occasion by having fake bellies, bald caps and makeup. The students won the spirit day. Some of the most popular teachers to dress up as were Brian von Glahn and Reggie Burress.
One of the best impressions of von Glahn was by junior Gabriel Miller. His outfit consisted of blue jeans a grey polo and a Sound Express jacket. It also included a pillow underneath the polo shirt to accurately represent von Glahn. “My first thought [that he] was going to be mad at me and be offended. When I first walked he gave me the most nasty side eye I’ve ever seen. von Glahn walked up to me and said I’ll get revenge.” Miller said
Von Glahn has a history of following through on his revenge even for the small things. “I have not gotten revenge. You we got to leave them guessing when going to happen. You know we all have a little fun,” von Glahn said “As much as they can dish it, I can give it back to them. We’re going to leave that one hanging a little bit, and let them just kinda sweat it out.”
Miller was not the only one that got a laugh out of their outfit. junior Gabby Ciccarelli dressed up as Burress, “[My outfit] consists of a bold cap, men’s shorts, a wrestling t-shrit, and a drawn-on beard with glasses. Underneath all of that I had a pillow for the belly. ” Ciccarelli said “Sadly I couldn’t find him [that day]. He probably will laugh in my face.” That’s the point of Hoco Spirt week is to get laughs and joy out of doing something maybe silly or goofy.
Overall, there were many different and unique outfits for Hoco Spirit Week. All of the people who participated were super excited to see the teachers dress up as students and vice versa.