Reflecting on my past four years of high school, I have had classes that have really stuck with me as some of my favorites.
Starting off with freshman year, my top three favorite classes, in no particular order, were Honors American History, Honors Algebra 2, and Pre-AP English 1. These classes stuck out because of the teachers and content, but most importantly my classmates. Freshman year we were straight out of middle school, eighth grade which had been partially hybrid. We came into high school wearing masks and it was a shift. Modified block days were introduced. We had to adapt. Honors American History with Eric Mitchell was my seventh hour. The last class of the day. I had very great people, especially at my table, in the class that made it very enjoyable. Mitchell became one of my favorite teachers and I really enjoyed learning the content of American History. Next from my freshman year was Honors Algebra 2 with Jessica Anderson. This was a little more interesting. I was one of the few freshmen in the class, meaning we had a good group of them that all sat by one another. Anderson really liked us, I think. We worked hard and I enjoyed learning this type of math. Last but not least, Pre-AP English 1 with Derek Yost. This was now the second year I had Yost as a teacher. He had many of us in class in seventh grade too. This familiarity added to the classroom experience. I really had a problem with staying on task my freshman year because I loved to talk. I still do but can actually lock in when I need to now. I remember days I was sent to the hallway because I would not stop chatting. Those were my most productive days. This class was a great experience and I think the content was great. Yost did a great job teaching it.
Next is my sophomore year. AP Statistics and World History were the best. AP Statistics was my first experience in an AP level math class. It was also my first class with Kristi Whitmer as a teacher. The math was different from Algebra and definitely a learning curve, but it has been my favorite math class that I have taken so far. I was also a sophomore in a class that was majority seniors. Being placed in a setting where expectations were higher was new to me but pushed me. I recommend taking one of Whitmer’s classes if you can. I have loved all of the classes I have had with her. World History with Scott Blakley was a very low-key class. I had that class with many friends and we got to do lots of projects which were very fun.
My junior year was a bit more challenging, content wise. My favorites were AP Calculus AB, Honors Psychology, and Anatomy and Physiology. Anatomy with Joshua Wilson was a great class because it had lots of notes and doodle notes which not only made it easy to learn, but made it more enjoyable to do. I also had it with my friend Grace Moppin which added to the overall experience. We got to do dissections which were fun as well. The academic challenge really came from AP Calculus AB. This class was definitely a struggle for me at times, but I think it was a good experience overall. Except for the time I walked in after my midterm and cried many tears because I thought I had failed (except I hadn’t). I had the class with some of my good friends and that made us create lasting memories, including but not limited to music videos and matching t-shirts. Finally, Honors Psychology with Blakley. This was a fun class and I loved learning about how the mind works and the science behind it. It was also quite chill so the vibes were always a great way to start my school day.
So far, my senior year, my favorite classes are AP US History and AP Calculus BC. I was on the fence about taking BC because I knew that the college I was hoping to attend would most likely have me start in Calc 1(AB) again. It just made the most sense that way. I had no real reason to take it other than challenging myself and making it so I would have Whitmer as a teacher for the third year in a row. My other option was AP Bio but I didn’t need that class for really any school I was looking at. So, I took BC. I knew I was going to struggle at times and I really have but I am with eight other students, six of which have been in my math class since sixth grade, that are very close and supportive of one another. Everyone wants the rest of the group to succeed. That is what makes the class worth taking. Plus, I love Whitmer. AP US History with Zach Keith is my other class this year that I have really enjoyed. It is a lecture-notes based class which I have always liked. Keith finds ways to relate different random stories to our lesson which always makes it exciting to learn.
Out of all of my ever changing classes and differentiation throughout the years, there was one constant. My rock. My savior. My PLT with Bret Anderson. Great people, great conversations, great vibes every single day. I use PLT like no other. It’s when I get my work done, frantically when I procrastinate. But also where I can talk with my friends freely. My PLT has a lot of fun and I am very grateful for it.