Gabriel Miller
Common Grounds will be back this year but in a different form. You will order online using QR codes that are around the buildings or visit their website, Common Grounds Website . Where you will be able to buy their variety of drinks. Online ordering began on Sep 27, 2023 and is only available in first and second hour.
What you will be able to get at the common grounds fall under these three categories: hot drinks, cold drinks(iced) and blended drinks(frozen). The hot drinks have what you expect: Cappuccinos, pumpkin spice lattes, etc. The iced drinks are the same as before, but just iced. The blended drinks are different kinds of smoothies and shakes. You will have the ability to customize however you want, like adding different kinds of syrups and sauces.
The training for the coffee shop was carried out by The Roasterie and business teacher Arian Huhmann.
“I brought in another person from The Roasterie, who is a partner. We buy a lot of coffee supplies from them, and they came in and trained my students on how to work the espresso machine, how to make the smoothies, the frappes and Chai teas,” said Huhmann.
The transition from in person to online ordering has gone pretty smoothly for most of it.
“There have been a few kinks, being sure that we have every order written down and making sure that the coffee arrives on time, it’s a lot more technical this year than last,” said. Huhmann.
For the student working at the coffee shop, it has been a smooth transition and just gets easier with more practice.
“No, I don’t get stressed out working at the coffee shop,” said senior Maria Martin. “Once you learn and do things on your own it gets easier.”