College and Career Readiness Day (CCR day) is just around the corner for the very first time ever. This is an event that can help students figure out what they are going to do once they graduate. The agenda for that day is different for all grades and today I am specifically focusing on freshmen. They will be doing lots of things from a few hands-on activities to having speakers come talk to them. It takes place on March 11th and it is planned to be a very exciting day.
Mikyla Murphy, college and career adviser, is in charge of the whole thing. Her and her team have been planning this for a little while now. “It’s been good [trying to set up for CCR day]. We have really good community partners…and it’s just been going really well.” However, it has been difficult to do a couple things, “I think that the hardest part is finding our career speakers because we do start school pretty early in the morning.”
Freshmen will have great opportunities, Ms. Murphy says, “They will get a really cool chance to meet different career speakers. There will be about three different speakers. And they’ll get to learn about those different careers that they matched with on the assessment that they took at the beginning of the year.”
At the beginning of the semester, freshmen all took a survey that told them their top couple careers that they would enjoy and be good at. Then, based on these results they will be divided and going to different career speakers in said career field. These speakers are a great opportunity for freshmen! “They’ll show you the path to get to that job or others, they will give advice, and take any questions they may have.” Ms. Murphy explains.
Not only will they be listening and learning but, “Every speaker will have an activity to do. So, there will be a little bit of hands on and a little bit of learning, it should be a lot of fun.”
The schedule on March 11 will be different. “We don’t have all the details, but for the most part, I think that everyone will start in plt and then go to where they are supposed to go to wherever they are testing or wherever their speaker is.”
It isn’t just freshmen who have a lot of fun planned. Sophomores are going to take the ASVAB test, juniors will get a choice between a few tests to take based on what they want to do after graduation, and seniors get to tour colleges and go places.
Murphy herself is even thrilled to get this started. “I am mostly excited. I mean, when you do something new you are always a little bit nervous. I just hope everything goes okay and we send all of the right information out, but I am mostly excited.”