Being able to spend your money on what you want and desire is a good feeling to some, knowing you have worked hard for something and being able to share it with the world is a substantial feeling. Surprisingly, 30.5% of young adults in high school maintain a job and have classes at the same time according to Some would try and point out that it’s too stressful for students, but in reality, having a job for young adults is beneficial.
The benefits for young adults having jobs is learning from your work environment, for example, important life skills. Young adults learn how to handle money (depending on your job), communication skills, time management, and organization. Having a job can also help you to build character, be independent, and be able to teach other coworkers other concepts and teach you to take initiative, and keep commitments. Another benefit of having a job is the money you earn, it teaches young adults how to save their money, they learn the importance of money management, offer a tangible reward for their effort, and to spend it wisely.
Having a job gets you ready for the “real world” as well, learning everything at a younger age and being able to apply it to an actual job will help tremendously. It also helps you become more independent as a person so you’re not relying on anyone but yourself. Having a job also helps you become who you are through meeting new people and can help an introverted person break out of their shell to become a social butterfly, just like I did with maintaining a job. The amount of new people you meet every day is surprisingly such a nice feeling. You find out you have so many things in common with just one person you meet and you could be talking for the next 30 minutes, it’s a great feeling.
Junior Cassidy Hostikka, who works at Pet Land said “I like having a job so I don’t have to rely on my parents for money. I have gained real world qualities, I have gained responsibility, learned how to deal with people, and most importantly getting paid has been beneficial to me.”