On Thursday of last week, PCHS and several other schools in the area participated in national Take Your Child To Work Day,. Several teachers and staff brought their kids in to experience a day at PCHS. In this story, you’ll learn a bit more about the history of this day and the reasons why it’s practiced.
Take Your Child To Work Day, technically called Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day, was created by Gloria Steinem in 1992 to get children accustomed to the working world. It was designed to be more than just a career day or a job shadow, increasing the human aspect of these events by showing them what their parents or mentors do during the work day, showing them that their education is valuable as well as showing them the “power and possibilities of work and family life,” according to the official website. The event works to provide children to share their vision for the future, and it helps them in taking steps towards their goals.
The theme for 2024’s Take Your Child To Work Day was “Inspire 2 Aspire”. This event aimed to give children the mindset of self-determination in regards to their own future. It also aims to instill in children that they have the ability to inspire others. This event gives children a glimpse into a variety of careers and industries, which gives them the ability to create positive change. It is stated on the official website that this event “strives to promote diversity, encouraging children to explore their options for the future where their unique strengths contribute to a harmonious and dynamic workplace.” Overall, this event’s theme aims to not only give children the chance to explore career paths, but also to give them the ability to change the world for the better – very in line with the long-standing goals of this event.